How can I help?
How can I be more involved in my child's elementary experience?
How can I get to know other UWE families?
Volunteer Opportunities
How can I get involved with the school?
How can I get to know the teachers and staff better?
Can I donate to the school?
How can I help in the classrooms?
If you are glancing through this PTA website, you are probably like most of us on the board, who also asked the questions above. We are all in this for the same reasons - to take an active role in our children's educations. PTA is so appreciative of the time our volunteers put in to support our students and staff.
PTA meetings begin at 6:30p.m. every second Wednesday of the month (with a few variations) in the UWE library. Lots of information is communicated through monthly emails as well.
PTA is planning to have the following volunteer opportunities during the 2024-2025 school year:
Fundraising: If choosing this volunteer opportunity, you would work together to plan, organize, and implement any fundraisers that occur at Underwood. This will likely require time during and outside of school hours depending on the fundraiser. For this year we be hosting our fall fundraiser - Color Blast Color Run. Other fundraisers organized for this year include: Dinner Nights, Skating Parties, and Smencil Sales.
Events: If choosing this volunteer opportunity you would be responsible for working together to plan, organize, and run activities sponsored by the PTA that are not fundraising events. Some of these events will include: Trunk or Treat, Fall and Valentine Parties, Movie Night, Glow Dance, 5th Grade Recognition, and so many more!
Staff Appreciation: If choosing this volunteer opportunity, you would responsible for working together to recognize our amazing staff throughout the school year. This would include the monthly staff celebrations, and Teacher Appreciation Weeks.
Student Appreciation: If choosing this volunteer opportunity, you would responsible for working together to celebrate our students throughout the school year. This would include the Student Appreciation Weeks.
Helping Hands: I can't commit to a particular opportunity, but email me when you need help or volunteers!